分詞[…ed, …ing]は前文を省略し、接続詞の意味を含む。and, because, whenなどが有るかのように考える
主文より時制が古い時は現在完了[having done]の形hadはhavingに変形
- Working in the store during the summer vacation,My farther didn’t have time to read the book. 「父は夏休み中お店で働いていたので、本を読む時間がなかった」
- Having employed a secretary, the self-employed man didn’t have to worry about organizing his schedule. 「その実業家は秘書を雇っていたので、スケジューリングに不安はなかった」💡従属節の時制が主節より古いパターン
- The two jets came into land, separated by a distance of fewer than 20 yards. ジェット機が二十ヤードも離れないで、着陸するために来た」💡従属節が受け身のパターン
- Because my father was working in the store during the summer vacation,My father didn’t have time to read the book.
- Because he had employed a secretary, the self-employed man didn’t have to worry about organizing his schedule. 💡hadはhavingに変える
- The two jets came into land, and they were separated by a distance of fewer than 20 yards.