[対義語・意味が逆]at the earliest,at the latest
- at the earliest「早くても」
- at the latest「遅くても」
- We are planning to restart our lab next month at the earliest.「ラボが再開できるのは早くても一か月後だよ」
- Volunteer’s activity will start one month later at the earliest.「ボランティア活動が始まるのは早くても一か月後だ」
- They want to sell their car at the earliest possible date. 「彼らはなるべく早く(早い日に)車を売りたいのだ」
- I want to leave by six o’clock at the latest.「遅くても六時には出発したい」
- Come here by nine at the latest.「遅くとも九時までには来なさい」
- I will arrive at the office at ten p.m. at the latest.「遅くても十時には社に到着します」